If you’ve ever been disappointed to find an asteroid-sized chunk of silver in your garden, but thrilled at the discovery of a Monopoly game piece in your colonoscopy, you know that humans love small shiny things, and the smaller the better. Well, I get to say the words you’ve been waiting to hear your whole life: get ready to go to Missouri. There, you will find the world’s biggest curation of antique toys and miniatures. Dollhouses, wooden boats, tin soldiers and monkeys, toy cars, miniguns, the Lesser Antilles, Ursa Minor, Little Italy, microphones, and minivans. Scientists are undecided about our drive to collect diminutive, scintillating objects. Some say they capture our natural curiosity, while others say they’re easier to sneak off with. So hurry on down to the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures – the world’s largest, most colossal, humungous, supermassive collection of miniatures – which you can find on Oak Street, just under the bench in front of the veterinary clinic.
Cam Writt